Red Hat

Join Scepta

You are interested in Scepta and would like to know where to start?

Meet the developers

There are several ways to join the Scepta community. The best option is always to talk to people and see what is going on. There are several ways to reach the developers and other community members.


The Scepta developers hang around on Internet Relay Chat (Irc) on irc://irc.freenode .net/#jbossoverlord (check here of a Web-client if you can’t use a irc client on your machine).

Contribute code

All code lives on GitHub under To contribute, fork the respective project(s), implement your changes and open a pull-request.

Contribute documentation

Similar to code, the Scepta website and documentation lives under And as with the code, fork the repo, create your changes and open a pull-request.


© 2015 | Baked with JBake v2.3.2

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